Facing return
An approach for psychosocial assistance to (former) asylum seekers and undocumented migrants
Diana Geraci

For asylum seekers there is always the possibility that they are refused residence in the country where they sought refuge or a better future. Return counsellors play an important role when their clients have to decide on their prospects or have to resign themselves to the fact that they have to leave.The book Facing return is specifically intended for return counsellors working with (rejected) asylum seekers and undocumented persons. It provides practical tools as to how to discuss the topic of ‘return migration’ and how to pay attention to the psychosocial aspects inextricably bound up with this complex process. Facing Return is based on hands-on experience gained in a number of organisations in the Netherlands dealing with return migration of (former) asylum seekers and irregular migrants. The book gives an inside view into the different phases of decision-making, resignation and preparation for return. As such, it is a valuable source of information for anyone who is interested in the topic of return migration.